Cape Aghulas, South Africa
For public affairs functions to be truly effective, they need to be considered in the conceptual genesis of a venture, with business strategy cognizant of policy, legislative and regulatory risk, geopolitical risk, even public sentiment. When executed effectively, public affairs ensures organizations become architects of their success, rather than simply provide some insurance against failure.
These principles lie at the foundation of Convergent Strategies. Decades ago, as I was standing on the precipice of a cliff in sub-Saharan Africa where two oceans converge, I was humbled by observing powerful natural forces colliding, integrating to create magnificent synergies and truly majestic beauty. I drew inspiration and insight from the symbolism of that moment for my own vocation in public affairs, concluding that convergence, integration, and synergy are a critical cornerstone of strategic organizational excellence.
As such, the core of Convergent Strategies’ philosophy is ensuring a strong foundation where business and public affairs approaches meet to create powerful and effective strategies.
The Blog
The realm of public affairs is constantly evolving and adapting to ongoing trends. It is quite possible that your organization already knows this, but so do your competitors. Here are some thoughts, insights, and resources that may well guide some of your thinking around integrating business and public affairs strategies.
Jerash, Jordan